Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Ms. Kritika Goel, Legal Operations Associate, MyAdvo Techserve Pvt. Ltd, MyAdvo Techserve Pvt. Ltd, Haryana - webindia123.com
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Ms. Kritika Goel
Ms. Kritika Goel, LLB, Amity law School
Legal Operations Associate, MyAdvo Techserve Pvt. Ltd
MyAdvo Techserve Pvt. Ltd, Haryana, India

Ms. Kritika Goel is a lawyer who graduated from Amity Law School, batch of 2013-18. She is currently working as a Legal Operations Associate at MyAdvo Techserve Pvt. Ltd. and could be contacted at kritika.goel@myadvo.in.


 My Articles

1. Legal Status and Rights of Women in the Indian Constitution ( Legal )

The constitution guarantees all women the right to equality and equal protection of the law (Art. 14).