Saturday, July 27, 2024
Rahul Agarwal, , Delhi -
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Rahul Agarwal
Rahul Agarwal, MBA in Finance
Delhi, India

Rahul Agarwal is Director of Wealth Discovery/EZ Wealth. A Technocrat with Post Graduate degrees in Civil Engineering and an MBA in Finance from University of Pittsburgh (USA), he is passionate about Value Investing and Algorithmic trading.


 My Articles

1. How to create a perfect mutual fund portfolio in the current volatile market ( Finance )

A perfect mutual fund portfolio is one that is commensurate with ones appetite for risk and is capable of meeting ones financial goals.

2. 'Buy Right, Sit Tight' the best way to generate wealth in a volatile market (Stock Market Tips) ( Finance )

A typical market cycle, witnessess a few extremely good years followed by a bad year then possibly a very bad year.