Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Dr Dillon Dsouza, ENT and Head and Neck surgeon, Mumbai -
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Dr Dillon Dsouza
Dr Dillon Dsouza,
ENT and Head and Neck surgeon
Mumbai, India

Dr Dillon Dsouza, is Mumbai based Consultant ENT and Head and Neck surgeon, Snoring and Sleep Apnoea specialist, attached to Jaslok Hospital, Breach Candy hospital and Desa's hospital.


 My Articles

1. Current scenario of Cochlear Implants in India ( Health )

Dr Dillon Dsouza explains all about cochlear implants and its recent advances

2. Understanding Hearing Loss - Dr Dillon Dsouza ( Health )

Long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can damage your inner ear and cause hearing loss.

3. All about Sinusitis, a common cause of head ache ( Health )

Most cases of Sinusitis are viral infections, but bacterial infections are suspected if the symptoms last more than 10 days.

4. Understanding Noise Pollution and dealing with its side effects ( Health )

When sounds around you keeps you from sleeping at night or the traffic noise gives you a headache, it is then termed as noise pollution.

5. Dealing with the side-effects of flying high ( Health )

Ear problems are surprisingly common among travellers on airplanes. Taking a few precautions can ensure that your journey is pleasant from take-off to landing!

6. Monsoon related ENT ailments ( Health )

Viruses thrive in cool temperatures as in the monsoon leading to viral infections.

7. Recent advances in Cochlear implants for hearing ( Health )

Dr Dillon Dsouza,ENT and Head and Neck surgeon explains about recent advances in cochlear implants, an electronic device that takes over the work of the human ear in converting sounds to electrical signals that the brain understands.

8. Self help Tips from ENT surgeon to combat Sleep Apnoea ( Health )

Dr Dillon Dsouza ENT Surgeon suggest ways to reduce or combat Sleep Apnoea with timely tests and exercises.