Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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Q Dear Madam,
I have done my MIB (Master of International Business) in regular with 77% I have a desire to do PHD in management. Kindly guide me how should I proceed to PHD in management .Will I be eligible to do it or will I be eligible to do Mphil in management, So that after finishing I can join Phd in management. Kindly mention some universities for me to do it as I would like to do it in part-time.
  Posted By : Rekha.R , Coimbatore | On 3.12.2014



Appreciate your interest on research in the field of management. Actually before getting into the field you need to be very clear on your defined goals. If you want to do a PH.D as part time, then you must start up your carrier as a lecturer in a college. Few things that are need before you enroll into PH.D

  1. Full confidence and subject knowledge on the field that you want to do the research
  2. Publishing few articles in relation to the field in magazine and newspapers
  3. Publishing some papers in the conference related to the topic of research
  4. Identifying few areas of interest in which you need to take up your PH.D

Regarding the eligibility, it varies from universities and better get the information from the respective university from which you are interested to do your PH.D.

Also M.Phil before a Ph.D will surely help. It will help you to define the base line of your research, find out the various resources and knowledge on the research.

There are lot of universities offering PH.D. Since you are from CBE you can start up finding an opportunity in Bharathiar University. Lot of colleges like Krishna Engineering, Karpagam College, PSG Arts, VLB, Avinashligam are offering PH.D in Management. You can try out your opportunity there. But the main this you need to be focused on doing your PH.D is your guide. You need to find an experienced guide who can help you to attain success in your research.


  Posted By :Career Expert Krubashini Prasad , Dubai | On 5.12.2014