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Q What are the difference in professional and applied physics? How can I know college is giving professional physics on taking bsc physics honours? can go for engineering physics after competing bsc physics honours?
  Posted By : ankit , delhi | On 9.11.2014


Dear Ankit,

I think, you are mentioning about pure and applied physics.
Pure physics deals with theoretical analysis of natural phenomena or fundamental concept of physics and that basically needs extensive knowledge in mathematical tools.
In applied physics, you work relatively close with application level of physics by performing experiments, developing new experimental tools.. etc.

To know about the colleges that offer pure physics, you may have to visit their website

Engineering physics is more technical and you may need to follow applied physics during your bachelor. However, admission is based on norms of the college. Please visit the link for more information about colleges that offer Bachelor courses.

Best wishes

  Posted By :Career Expert Dr. Rupesh Kumar , York | On 13.11.2014