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Pets Can Do Wonder For Your Health

By 30.6.2013         Image 1 Comments         Phone:9963102505       Mail Now Send Mail   Post Comments

For fighting Allergy

Predominantly, it is believed that children are bound to be susceptible to allergies, if pets are around and that if the kids are sensitive to allergies, pets are better avoided. However, new studies state just the opposite. They have proved that kids who grow up around pets are less prone to various types of allergies and even asthma. Also, the kids were reported to generate higher levels of chemicals that are responsible in fighting allergies.

For the Elderly

Pet therapy is extremely potent for curing elderly patients suffering from Alzheimer’s. Studies have shown that patients who have a pet around them report fewer anxiety outbursts.

Lowers Blood Pressure

It is proved that stroking a pet for 10 to 15 minutes can do wonders for high blood pressure patients and also helps relieve stress. In a study conducted, stockbrokers who adopted dog or a cat reported lower blood pressure readings in stressful situation. Sitting with a pet for a few minutes after a tiresome day can benefit your health in the long run.

When trying to fulfill a pet’s requirements like taking them for a walk, or caring for them, you end up exercising simultaneously. Pets provide the much needed motivation to exercise and staying fit.

For the Heart

Those with pets are less likely to suffer from depression as compared to those who don’t own a pet. Stress and a hectic lifestyle produce chemicals like cortisol and nor epinephrine that hamper the body’s immune system and have a direct impact in the plaque build-up around the arteries. 

Enjoying an activity with a pet boosts levels of serotonin and dopamine that have a calming effect on the body and thereby, benefits the heart.

TAGS: Pet and Health care,   Allergy,   Pets and your heatlh,   pets. Health tips. ,  

   Fatima Aalam, Delhi
Posted On : 27.9.2016

hey i read this great article most of the people think that pets are not good for your health but by reading your article hope people can understand this thing you talk about thanks for sharing this post with us.

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