Sunday, May 19, 2024
Dr Shruthi M. Hegde, Ayurveda Expert, The Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore -
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Dr Shruthi M. Hegde, BAMS
Ayurveda Expert, The Himalaya Drug Company
Bangalore, India



 My Articles

1. 5 herbs to boost a healthy digestive system ( Health )

Several medicinal herbs and natural ingredients, some of which are well known and a part of Indian cuisine, can help in managing digestive problems the natural way.

2. Integrate Tulasi to your diet to boost health: Ayurvedic Expert ( Health )

Tulasi is an excellent all-rounder when it comes to maintaining overall wellness, & prevents a multitude of ailments and is a great way to stay healthy naturally.

3. A wellness package for a healthy, happy monsoon ( Health )

Dr Shruthi Hegde, from The Himalaya Drug Company, recommends the top 5 items that should be in your monsoon wellness kit.

4. 7 habits you can adopt daily to make wellness a way of life ( Health )

It is not just the occasional resolution to stay healthy which will help achieve overall well-being, but little things done consistently that will go a long way in establishing wellness as a way of life.

5. 6 herbs to include in your daily diet for a healthier, happier you ( Health )

Ayurveda texts and modern research say that herbs contain compounds that have beneficial health properties that can help prevent many lifestyle disorders and rejuvenate our bodies.