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5 Ways to contribute towards World Environment Day 2018, Individually

By 5.6.2018         Mail Now Send Mail   Post Comments

India is all set to globally host the World Environment Day on 5 th June 2018. As directed by the United Nation Environment the theme of this year will be " Beat the Pollution ".The theme urges governments, industries, communities and individuals, come together and explore sustainable alternatives and reduce the production and excessive use of single- use plastic effecting our environment directly or indirectly.

Emerging as the leader, the country has one of the highest recycling rates in the world and can be instrumental in combating plastic pollution.

Contributing to the call,HPM, a leading agro-chemical brand is geared up to reduce the emission of Co2 in the environment by planting 10,000 trees all over India under its 'Go Green Plantation Drive'

While political communities and governmental laws are helping ensure the execution of all the initiatives in a better and productive way. Industries and organizations from various sectors are actively participating to achieve the goal of combating plastic pollution.

How we as an individual can contribute to the biggest global call for protecting our nature?

Mrs. Tapasya Goel, Executive Director, HPM , said, "the day is all about sustaining, protecting and embracing our natural environment. Environmental policies, initiatives and activities surely have a major influence on the quality of all our lives".

"The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, clothes we wear, flowers that decorate our homes, pharmaceutical products we consume and even the fuels we are beginning to use is all dependent on how carefully as individuals and citizen of earth we use it and keep it for our future generations", she added.

Below are the 5 Ways through which you can individuall y contribute towards the global call to Environment protection:

4R's (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle):

Refuse to buy unsustainable products (the aim is to combat the use of single use plastics). Reduce the consumption, reuse items and materials. For Instance: Planting Activity- Plant a sapling in a plastic bottle. This will add up to the greenery of your kitchen, fun activity for your kid and a contribution to world environment day.

Recycling the product is the key to the healthy environment. Doing this all at once is difficult, you can start with small plastic products like polyethylene, disposable cups, plastic bottles, toys, etc.

Raise awareness in your community:

Tell all your friends about World Environment Day! Word of mouth is the best communication tool for transmitting information. Speaking to people about environmental issues and its effect on them and their children and lifestyle will help them understand the direct effect of environmental problems. The solution to these problems will help them, take a step further contributing in the global call of environment protection.

Organize a neighborhood cleanup:

Team work always leads to success and it's a great way to socialize. Invite your neighbors to help clean up the area which you live in. It will also be a great activity and experience for your kids this summer break. Pick up trash, pull weeds, or even plant some trees. It will make a difference!

Adopt a 'green' way of living

Separate your biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Learn to share or exchange things rather than buying a new unsustainable item. Use Public Transport to reduce your environmental impact. Car pooling is also a great way to reduce emission. Ride a bicycle or walk to close destinations. Mainly, use sustainable mode of transportation.

Calculate your carbon footprint

It will help you to prioritizethe steps you can take to minimize it, by identifying what the biggest opportunities for reductions of carbon footprints are. Estimate it by calculating home energy use, water use, waste disposal, amount of food you consume, Distance travelled and vehicle used, etc.

Your activity does not need to be big or require a lot of time on your part. Something as simple as planting a sapling in a plastic bottle is a great step towards World Environment Day 2018.

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