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FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)-What are the chances?

  By : , Mumbai, India       12.10.2023         Phone:91 98200 57722          Mail Now
  A-791, Bandra Reclamation, General Arun Kumar Vaidya Nagar, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400050
  Infertility is a very complicated and disheartening issue impacting approximately 15% of hopeful couples trying to conceive.

Childless couples often feel like outsiders in their own social circles. It can be challenging to relate to friends and family members who have kids when you do not.

If you are part of a childless couple, you might feel like you have nothing in common with your friends who are parents. Furthermore, if you have already had an unsuccessful IVF procedure, it adds to your stress and disappointment.

Fortunately, frozen embryo transfers (FETs) have become much more successful in recent years, making them a more and more common option to consider before starting a new IVF (in vitro fertilization) cycle.

What is FET – frozen embryo transfer?

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a process in which embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and frozen for later use are thawed and transferred to the uterus.

The frozen embryos could be yours, or from donor cycle, which you save for future use in case the IVF procedure is unsuccessful or because you plan to have more children in the future.

Many young women who wish to preserve their healthy young eggs for future use also have their eggs cryopreserved.

This is a way to preserve their fertility until their career goals are achieved or when they find a partner with whom they wish to start a family.

What should you consider before going for FET?

One of the first things that people need to consider when thinking about a frozen embryo transfer is whether or not they are comfortable with the idea of having their embryos stored in a cryogenic state.

For some people, the thought of freezing their embryos is too emotionally overwhelming, and they prefer to have their embryos transferred fresh. Other people are perfectly comfortable with freezing their embryos and view it as simply another way to ensure that they will have a successful pregnancy.

Another thing people need to consider when thinking about a frozen embryo transfer is the financial cost. Fresh embryo transfers are typically more expensive than frozen embryo transfers, so people need to factor that into their decision-making process.

If you are considering a frozen embryo transfer treatment in India, please consult an expert fertility specialist, to see if you are a good candidate.

Not everyone is a good candidate for this type of procedure, so it is essential to get professional guidance before making any decisions.

What are the benefits of frozen embryo transfers over a fresh (stimulated) cycle?

• There are several advantages to undergoing a frozen embryo transfer:
• Because the egg retrieval and fertilization procedures have already been completed, the overall cost of a FET cycle is often significantly lower than that of a fresh IVF cycle.
• The timing of a FET can be planned in advance, which can be helpful for women with busy schedules or whose work or travel commitments might make it difficult to undergo a fresh IVF cycle.
• FET eliminates the need for ovarian stimulation, saving both time and money and reducing the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).
• Couples who used donor sperm or eggs in their initial IVF cycle may want to wait until they have decided on the number of children they wish to conceive before starting their family.
• This way, they can have all their children from one donor without having to go through the process (and expense) of finding a new donor each time they want to conceive another child.
• Some couples may feel more comfortable transferring only one embryo at a time – this is called elective single embryo transfer (eSE), and it further reduces the risk of multiple births while maintaining high implantation rates. They can save the other embryos for future use.
• Some women may want to go for fertility preservation due to a medical condition like cancer, as the treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy can damage their reproductive elements.
• As more research is conducted on freezing techniques and how best to care for frozen embryos, the success rates of FETs are continuing to improve—meaning that more couples than ever before can take advantage of this safe and effective fertility treatment option.
• Women who have had unsuccessful fresh IVF cycles may benefit from undergoing a FET cycle using different protocols or with different embryologists, as each clinic has its own unique approach to planning and performing IVF cycles.

What is the success rate of frozen embryo transfer?

FET now has greater live birth rates, fewer miscarriages, and healthier kids, thanks to substantial advancements in freezing procedures in recent years. The FET procedure has surpassed the rate of success of fresh embryo transfer.


Infertility can be a difficult situation to cope with. Wanting to have a child but being unable to can make you feel lonely and stressed. You feel left out and down about your situation when all your friends are out with their kids. You might feel like they can no longer relate to you or understand your life now that they have kids.

It is easy to feel like you are missing out on one of the best parts of life. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness—even if you are part of a happy and supportive relationship yourself.

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a promising option if you struggle with infertility. It is less invasive than other ART procedures and has a relatively high success rate. In addition, FET is much less expensive than other fertility treatments. You can increase the likelihood of pregnancy per egg retrieval, reducing the need for additional cycles and ultimately saving time and money.

TAGS: Frozen embryo transfer,   FET,   Dr. Rishikesh Pai,   Infertility treatment,   ,  

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