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Ayyan Ali Khan
Sarod Payer
Born : September 5, 1979
Rank: 78 

Ayyan Ali Bangash, is the younger son and disciple of Sarod Maestro Ustad Amjad Ali Khan. With his elder brother Amaan Ali, he represents the seventh generation of a musical lineage of the Khan family. Since his solo debut at eight, Ayyan has been performing in concerts worldwide.  He has also accompanied his father and brother Amaan at concerts over the world including performances at the Smith Sonian, Carnegie Hall, St. James Palace and the Barbican Center etc. Ayaan the 'A' grade musician from 'All India Radio' is also an accomplished painter. He has attained a very special place for himself to all music enthusiasts. Ayyan hosted "Sa Re Ga Ma", a music show on Zee TV with his brother. He was bestowed with the 'Best Budding Artist of the Year' 1997 award by the Prime Minister. In 2002, Ayaan co-authored a book with his brother, Amaan titled 'Abba-God’s greatest gift to us' on his father’s life. He has over eight recordings that include three solos including the album 'Sonata'. Ayaan made his debut elctronica album called 'Reincarnation' in August 2005.

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