Q. |
Hello sir...I have given my class 12th examination this year. I am planning to pursue psychology but my parents are not allowing me as they are saying that your future will not be secure.they want me to pursue engineering but I'm not at all interested in physics. What should I do ? |
by :
Hritik gupta , Bareilly |
On : 12.4.2016 |
Hi Hritik, you are in the same situation as i was 8 years ago. I signed up just to answer your question.
It is very important that you know; you can secure a progressive future in any field if you are interested and if you really Love it. There is a greater chance of failure due to lack of interest, which you will encounter over time if you pursue something that you don't like.
Your parent's preachings' are not backed by facts they are mostly backed by opinions which they obtain from relative and friends, those opinions don't hold any value. Factually speaking in India engineers don't have jobs, most of them flee to USA and it got crowded there as well.
So, Somehow you have to convince your parents.
Collect some Facts and Data about Psychology and The Demand For psychologists. There are many ways to convince them if you are willing to. Tell them about Great Psychologists Like BF Skinner and Explain how you will Help others by pursuing Psychology. DO whatever you can to convince them. Don't give up my dear friend. This is one life and Don't give up.
To learn how to Influence and win others to your thinking i advise you to read "How to win friends and influence people" and Think and Grow rich.
Posted By : Naren , Toronto |
On : 20.6.2016 |
Q. |
Hello, sir,
I've done my Bsc in Biotechnology. I would like to know what are the ways in which I can get to do Psychology as I would like to do counselling and even research in evolutionary psychology. I understand that one way to do this would be to re-do graduation in BA Psychology and then do masters, but I am hesitant about this as I have been working for the past 7 years in content development. I can't stop working at the moment due to financial commitments. So I would like to know if there are any other possibilities to get an equivalent diploma or degree to compensate for my lack of Psychology background. Is there an equivalent distance course that I could take up?
What do I do?
Sharjes |
by :
Shravan , bangalore |
On : 24.3.2016 |
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Q. |
hello sir i have finished btech in computer science engineering and later i found my real interest in psycological studies.can i pursue MA after completing btech ? |
by :
ajay dev , tamil nadu |
On : 19.11.2015 |
Post graduate courses in psychology are offered only to students who have graduated with psychology. For details about psychology click here |
Posted By : Roseline Regite , Kochi |
On : 21.11.2015 |
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