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JEE Main examination 2023 & 2024 |
By : Sreekanth , Bengaluru, India 27.9.2022 Phone:76766 42258 Mail Now | |
JEE Mains exam is indeed one of the toughest entrance exams in India. With a wide syllabus and so much to cover, students strive harder than usual to achieve exceptional scores. Speaking of which, we are proud to announce that 2022 has been yet another year with our students excelling in JEE Mains exam. This is a proud moment for us for which we heartily congratulate our achievers for all the hard work that has collectively brought us success. With the release of JEE Main syllabus for 2023, this gives a headstart to students to start preparing for the entrance exams well in advance. As the examination is usually held in the month of April-May, it is important to start early to achieve great scores. Here are a few pointers for you to keep in mind while preparing for your JEE exams. 1. Make a proper schedule It is important to dedicate enough time to studies if you are looking to score good grades. The syllabus is vast and the chapters are numerous, but with proper planning, you can cover each subject easily. Hence, make a schedule where you dedicate minimum 3 hours of your day’s time to studies. You can also choose to cover concepts from 2 different subjects in a day to stay focused. 2. Refer to last year’s papers Referring to last year’s question papers will help you understand the paper pattern better. You will also be able to identify the difficulty of questions that would help you prepare accordingly. This way, you can structure your studying strategy well. Moreover, sometimes, few questions from previous year’s examinations may also get repeated. Hence, that would turn out to be beneficial for you. 3. Understand concepts With a vast syllabus, students generally end up mugging up concepts and answers to try to score better. This may look easy but it might backfire in the long run. You do not want to forget your answers during your exam, do you? Hence, it is important to dig deeper and understand the concepts rather than just learning them for the sake of it. Take enough time to gain knowledge about concepts and if you are stuck somewhere, you can always reach out to your friends or teachers who can make it simpler for you to understand and comprehend. This will prove to be very beneficial for you in the long run. JEE Main has been conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education in the past years. However, that might not be the case from 2024 onwards. The examination from the year 2024 will be National Testing Agency (NTA), hence, sooner you start preparing, the better results you are likely to achieve. Hope this article has been helpful for you. All the best! |