Apoorva Agnihotri |
Subject: Apurva is a cow Mr.Cow,we all hate you. Posted by tiasha on 8/8/2009 2:40:50 PM |
Subject: shame on you You are the worst person I have ever seen. Posted by shilpa on 8/1/2009 2:22:21 PM |
Subject: The cheepest gui in the world We all hate you. Posted by sonu on 8/1/2009 2:12:36 PM |
Subject: crazy of u i became a great fan of u wen i saw jassi...i ws eagerly waiting 2 c u in kajjal.im soso so crazy of u dat my room is filled wit ur posters.anothr thing is dat i celebrate on ur bday by giving chocolates 2 my frnds..and i keep on watching again & again d repeatd telecasts.i wish dat i would meet u once directly atleast once in my lyftime...desperately waiting 2 hear frm u soon... Posted by bhavya krishna on 7/29/2009 6:29:29 PM |
Subject: Hi Hey Apoorva, how are you? Look this fight is not between us. But whatever is this you know I'm on your side Apoorva we have to fight together and win I don't know who started this fightbut Apoorva and I which is me we have to finish it. Apoorva can you do me a favor plz pray that I don't write you an other message which is bad. You why cause I'm sick and tired of these stupid bad messages. P.S. Plz keep this message between you and your wife and the rest of the people Plz don't tell Shah Rukh about this okI love you and I think you're very cute. Posted by Javeria cahudhry on 4/23/2009 12:45:05 AM |
Subject: sweetheart i am krazzy for you.you are life,you are the most handsome guy in the world. Posted by tanima on 7/13/2008 2:37:05 PM |
Subject: The most talented actor in T.V You are the most handsome and most attractive guy in the world. I am a blind fan of you .I love you so much that I can't express. Posted by Tanima on 7/13/2008 2:29:32 PM |
Subject: awaiting for a serious debut I like Apurba very much....I think he is the best and talented actor in small screen industry ... has never been exploited properly.... Posted by Poppy on 5/9/2008 8:47:24 PM |
Subject: sweetest guy in the world! hi! i am divya tomar frm bhopal and i love apoorva. he is the most handsome guy i've ever seen. and i just love him!my best wishes are with him for his future and married life!with love:Divya Posted by divya tomar on 9/8/2007 7:56:19 PM |
Subject: i like you i like u apoorva.i'm ur fan.i wan to meet un have ur autograph.hope my dream comes true.all the best for ur future Posted by deepika on 3/27/2007 1:21:17 AM |
Subject: comments i love u i love u. u r my role model . i like u the most all over the world . u r everything for me . i have one dream that i want to meet u . i'm studing in 10 std . but i am your biiiiiiiiigggest fan. ok bye. Posted by keka on 2/18/2007 12:18:15 PM |
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