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Sanjay Suri
Model, Actor
Born : 6th April 1971
Rank: 74 

Confidence, poise, whatever it is he has the looks of a winner. Hailing from Srinagar, Sanjay Suri, business man turned model turned actor has come a long way. A national level squash and basketball player, Sanjay was into modeling and photography till movies happened. He became a top model with several popular campaigns for leading brands such as Vimal, Wills cigarette, Sunrise coffee, Hero Honda etc. He debuted in Bollywood with the film 'Pyar Mein Kabhi Kabhi'. With his warm smile and adorable looks Sanjay Suri earned instant recognition in a short span of time. His splendid performances in Filhaal (2002), Pinjar (2003), Jhankar Beats (2003) and My brother Nikhil (2005) which he also produced, made people notice him. Married to Ambika, a psychologist, Sanjay loves to travel and is interested in philosophy and spirituality, besides movies.

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