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Sachin Pilot
Born : March 13th 1978
Rank: 63 

Born to a great Indian politician Mr. Rajesh Pilot,  this young Congress leader  represents the Dausan region of Rajasthan as a member of the parliament. A graduate from Stanford School of Business, Sachin resembling his father, is intelligent and sharp. He has also done an internship with the BBC news and current affairs at its New Delhi bureau. His political baptism came from both his mother, Rama Pilot and his charismatic father, the late Rajesh Pilot whose life was cut short by a tragic road accident. A firm believer in the ideology of the Congress party, Sachin is married to Sarah Abdullah, a  former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah’s daughter. Besides politics, he is interested in flying like his father. He got his private pilot's license (PPL) from New York in 1995. Also a sports lover, he has represented Delhi in a number of national shooting championships. Sachin's amiable smile and friendly attitude is winning many political and non-political admirers.

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